Guidelines for development
An appeal to accept guidelines for civil-society and political initiatives when working for human development towards a peaceful world in balance - conscious that
ALL is interconnected through a divine SPIRIT.
Guiding principles – based on compassion + rationality:
- Accepting intuitive spiritual guidance – realized through a rational management process with caring leadership in the spirit of partnership.
- Subsidiarity (priority for the smallest unit) – making use of bottom-up creativity.
- Encouraging self-help initiatives in individual ownership – but equally supporting self-help community structures.
- Transparency of all financial goals, objectives, plans and realizations.
- True marketing in serving real existing – not created – needs.
- Micro financing through a combination of micro-credits and micro-grants.
- Furthering early value- and capacity-development through child-centered didactical methodology – resulting in motivation for life-long learning. (my key-purpose in the framework of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation –
- Promoting individual and collective solidarity in and for ONE world in diversity.
States (and any future world government, like a "United States of Mankind"*) are responsible to protect and help those, who cannot help themselves, to promote people's respect of the "golden rule", to preserve nature and other common goods – and mainly to provide a fair, legally binding and enforced order for development.
*still only a long-term perspective – Peter Hesse – June 2012
One page from the book "VISION WORKS" by Peter Hesse,
25. anniversary of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation on 7 December 2008.
Definition as formulated by me:
permanently happens in all structures from micro- to
macro cosmos, in all aspects of existence.
Consciousness, values, attitudes, skills and knowledge;
body, mind and spiritual insight of human individuals;
all groups, nations, states and ONE world
develop permanently more or less fast and consciously.
Clarification is useful in order to consciously further
and co-create desired development/growth.
Of special concern are all aspects of human development,
from the individual to humanity as a whole.
"learn to learn" | and are DEVELOPEMENT-INSTRUMENTS in a free, just and participative political framework |
small credit |

Development problems
Basic problems of human development – on a micro-level:
- Lack of learning about the real needs of those who wish to develop. The conceptual level for aide-work is too distant from the needy populations.
- Wrong partners in development. The official donating structures tend to overlook corrupt officials in developing states. The private help-industry mostly partners with local elites who rarely care for needy populations.
- Excessive administrative personnel-cost is being declared as project-cost. Too little support reaches those, who really need it.
- Problematic sponsorship for children. Dilemma between effective advertising with individual children and practice beyond individual children.
Basic underlying problems – on a macro-level (in states and globally):
- It is more than doubtful, whether any aid program inflicted on the daily life of needy people is really desirable for true human development. Fighting the reasons behind poverty and misery can rarely be achieved through some healing programs. Political and administrative structures and framework-conditions are not sufficiently serving the common good but individual interests of powerful groups and states.
- Internationally agreed economic, ecological and social regimes are not matching – and: The United Nations are not created for people but for states.
- Basic truth
One basic truth on micro-levels:
Nothing can BE developed. All develops naturally from inside and below.
One basic truth on macro-levels:
A staircase must be cleaned from top to bottom.
For humanity to survive in peace, we must first develop a cosmic consciousness towards oneness of all in diversity and then promote the political creation of a legally binding fair and sustainable global order for a world in balance in the spirit of compassion and solidarity.
In the meantime, remaining idle is no solution:
Emergency aid and support for self-help initiatives of deprived people are intermediate needs.
Useful healing instruments are well structured micro-credits and micro-grants – formerly financed by the German development ministry, now (where possible) from private sources.
- and early basic child-centered education.
Peter Hesse – 2012