Curriculum Vitae - 2019
Peter Julius Hesse – 2018
Hon.-Consul of Iceland
since 2006 married to Isolde („Isa“) Hesse –
no children – but instead: the Peter-Hesse-Foundation.
From 1937 a lock back in my family history: One page PDF
Peter Hesse on his early years in war-time Germany:

- Born 5 April, 1937 in Port Chester, New York, from German parents. (Was) moved to Germany in July 1937.
- After the war and a primary-school year in Geneva – followed by the private German country-school "Schloss Salem" and one year Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.,USA.
- Studies in business administration and economics, University of Munich, Germany.
- After the end of formal studies („Dipl.Kfm.“ 1963) further education in Germany and England to become marketing- and management-trainer – parallel to practical learning and marketing-work in the family-business "Schmincke" artists' colors.
1964-1980 „my first life“
- 1966 -1968 Regional president of German Young-Presidents-Organization ("Bundesverband Junger Unternehmer – BJU"). Main activity: Testing of new advanced management-seminars for BJU members.
- 1969 Founder of Committee for Management-Education in Europe ("Komitee für Managementbildung in Europa") – a group of 163 mostly young professionals trying to modernize formal management-education in Europe, mainly in Germany – resulting in the development of a management-education concept in 4 stages: school / university / postgraduate / lifelong.
- 1971-1998 President of "Schmincke"- family-business, manufacturers of "finest artists' colors". (1999 retired to consultant status).
- 1974 Co-Founder of German Management Society ("Deutsche Management Gesellschaft") and publication of "MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM".
- 1974 (until 1983) Trainer in "fair Dialectics", group-activities and political subjects for the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) of Germany in Düsseldorf.
- 1975/76 Candidate for the Federal Parliament in the CDU (narrow miss). Since that time various political CDU-posts, -engagements and -initiatives on a local and national level, especially in the field of ONE-world development.
- Since 1984 re-elected several times with each new government as a member of Federal CDU Development Commissions, CDU "Bundes Fachausschuss…" (various names)" – since 2003 including human rights.
- 1978-1987 Chairman of regional employers association of the chemical industry.
- Since 1978 member of the board of the regional umbrella-organisation of the mayor employers' associations ("Unternehmerschaft Düsseldorf") in the region. 1993 Vice-President. From 2001 to 2003 President.
- 1981 wake-up call in Haiti – and first beginning auf my second life.
Start of poverty-fighting activities in Haiti. Initially through seminars in project-management, later mainly for Early Childhood Education and Development through Montessori teacher training. 900+ teachers trained and help provided for the opening of over 50 preschools for poor children in Haiti. - 1983 Establishment of the "Peter-Hesse-Foundation SOLIDARITY IN PARTNERSHIP for ONE world in diversity".
- 1986 Creation – with Carol Guy-James Barratt, Montessori Directness from Trinidad – of the "CENTRE MONRESSORI D'HAITI" in Cap Haitien, Haiti.
- 1988 Establishment of the Haitian NGO: "Fondation-Peter-Hesse".
- 1988 Co-creation of the NGO: "ONE world for ALL" ("EINE Welt für ALLE").
- Since 1988 part-time (half of year) in family-business – due to growing social engagement.
1989 Beginning of „my second life“
less formal – and partly guided by a non-dogmatic loving spirit.
- 1989 First "mystical" experiences, guiding messages received in meditative states of mind. The key message (one page PDF)
- Since 1990 global activity for consciousness-building and for the promotion of early and basic education.
- Since 1991 Honorary Consul of Iceland.
- 1992 Foundation: Initiative "Preschool Education for children in ONE world."
- 1994-2001 elected chairman of "PARITÄT International", a network of German NGOs, working for ONE-world development.
- Since 1995 active participation in international conferences like
- UN Social Summit in Copenhagen (publication of "3 SUGGESTIONS FOR ONE WORLD DEVELOMENT"),
- UNICEF and IFCW Children's Conferences,
- UN-Mid-Decade-Review EDUCATION FOR ALL, Amman, Jordan,
- STATE OF THE WORLD FORUM, San Francisco – organizing and convening roundtables on global education in 1995 and 1996. - 1996 Bypass-heart-operation – followed by the decision to quit the family-business and to concentrate on ONE-world work.
Start working on book "From VISION to REALITY". End of 1998 hand-over of "Schmincke"-presidency to a successor from outside the family (Nils Knappe). - Since 1998 member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) California, USA.
- 1999 Initiating Düsseldorf + Neuss IONS Community Group: "NE-D-IONS".
- 1999 Publication of German book From Vision to Reality ("Von der Vision zur Wirklichkeit").
- 2000 Concentration on international work – mainly for the promotion of high quality Early Childhood Education and Development. Introduction of the Haiti Montessori project into the Worldbank-conference "Investing in our Childrens' Future". – Speaker at UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)-conference Aid & Trade, N.Y. – Being granted: "Worldwide Project Early Childhood Education" of the world EXPO Hannover 2000, Germany, displayed in the EXPO "basic-needs" thematic area. – Participating in EXPO 2000 Global Dialogues "Fighting Poverty" and "Building Learning Societies".
- Since 4 May, 2000: "NGO in SPECIAL CONSULTATIVE STATUS with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations - ECOSOC". Since later in 2000 (until the end of 2012) member of CONGO.
- 2001-2003 International conferences for Early Childhood Development. German representative of the World Forum on Early Care and Education.
- 2003 Co-writing and publishing of the book "On the way to a Jesus of today".
- 2002-2008 yearly participations in the "World Social Forum" in Porto Alegre, Mumbai and Nairobi. Since 2003 offering workshops on the Global Marshal Plan and on a UN-reform vision.
- Since 2003 also engagement in the "Global Marshall Plan Initiative" for a peaceful world in balance and in NGO-work for a transparent, democratic and participatory reform of the United Nations.
- Since 2004 work on German book "Effective application of funds for global development" ("SOLIDARITÄT, die ankommt").
- Since 2005 second residence near Annecy, France, to concentrate on work for "ONE world in diversity" – connected to the United Nations in Geneva through the CONGO membership. Representing (until 2006) the International Forum for Child Welfare (IFCW) at the UN in Geneva.
- 2006 Publication of book "SOLIDARITÄT die ankommt" with the Global Marshall Plan Initiative. Participation as civil member of the German government-delegation in the meeting of African education-ministers, "ADEA-Biennale", in Gabon.
- Since 2008 Member of "Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)".
- 2008 Participation in ADEA-Biennale, Maputo, Mozambique and publication of "VISION WORKS". From vision to action. From Haiti to ONE world in diversity".
- 2010 preoccupation with the Peter-Hesse-Foundations Haiti-projects after the January earthquake.
- 2011 move from Seynod/Annecy to second French home in Paris. Participation in the third conference of the Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF) in Dallas, Texas.
- 2012 reestablishing connections to promote global basic education with UNESCO in Paris. – and work on redesigning the Peter-Hesse-Foundation homepage and on the future structure of the Peter-Hesse-Foundations in Germany and Haiti – the future of our work.
- 7 December 2012 reopening the CENTRE MONTESSORI D'HAITI in Liancourt on the 30 anniversary of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation.
Presentation of a 13-minute-film, titled: "Child-centered Education for All":

- 2014 (October) French seminar in Paris "De la VISION à la RÉALITÉ" – without success, (thereby learning about the difficulty of activity in France).
- 2015 New concept after learning that only concrete demand leads to success: “Management in transition” (“Management im Wandel”) – only in German and after being asked by qualified groups.
- 2016 Separating personal subjects into a separate new Homepage from the Foundation Homepage and start to communicate with short YouTube clips in English and German.
Erecting my wife's and my gravestone on our future grave in Düsseldorf:
- September 2016 IONS-"Consciousness Cruise" to Alaska – 30 min. presentation "My wake-up process":
Wake up call

Liberation for new life

- 2017 Publication of the book:
„We have the choice: ONE WORLD IN DIVERSITY – or none“;
and celebrating 3 „birthdays“, thanking and celebrating life in the Düsseldorf Industrieclub:
30 years of successful „Montessori teacher-training project in Haiti,
65 years Isa Hesse – and my 80 years“ – see 20 minutes film:

- 2018 Healing my medical Problems.
- 2019 New beginning to work for “ONE world in diversity” – now without binding party-policies.
action is based on my permanent lifelong learning and on the acceptance of inner guidance. This leads to my political and civil "bridge building" for peace between cultures, especially between religions, to a commitment on the ground and on all levels of our ONE global humanity – mostly through the Peter-Hesse-Foundation – since 2017 documented in